The Right to Education is a Fundamental Human Right. Every individual irrespective of their Gender, Race, Religion, Disability or Ethnicity has a Right to Free and Compulsory Basic Education.
Education builds on an Individual’s Knowledge, Character, Potential and talent.

Education is the most important tool of Empowerment; It Creates Employment Opportunities, Develops problem solving skills, Good for Economic Growth, Community Building through Civilization and reduction in Crime and also Equal Opportunities for Peaceful coexistence and Sustainable Development.

AWINO Love Kenya through Our SOMA BAG PROGRAM seeks to keep underprivileged girls due to Poverty and Disability in School.
Our Main beneficiaries also are Teenage mothers, Victims of Gender Violence and Forced and Early Marriages and those in Arid and informal settlements.

Our SOMA BAG Contains School fees, uniform, sanitary towels, Books and other necessities to ensure that our Children go to school and have Equal Opportunities with others.
We will also urge parents and the Local community to take their Children to school and the need to do so.
For Example during COVID-19, The number of Teenage Pregnancies, Forced marriages, Unsafe Abortions, Sexual Abuse, Drug Abuse and Crime increased tremendously because Schools were closed.
Our SOMA BAG seeks to Empower Our Community through Education.