Boys and Girls especially those in their Puberty need correct and reliable information to make Right and informed Decisions about their Bodies and Lives.
AWINO Love Kenya through Our SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND RIGHTS Program teaches about Personal, Menstruation and Fundamental Human Rights.

Personal Hygiene where we teach Teenagers about general body cleanliness and Healthy well being.
On Menstruation Hygiene, Girls are made aware of what Menstruation is and Why it happens, the correct use and disposal of sanitary towels.
We also donate the sanitary towels to make Our girls comfortable and ensure they are not manipulated to get the most essential and basic commodity through our “End sex for pads” Intiative.
We also encourage peaceful coexistence between Opposite Genders to curb cases of Gender Based Violence, Sexual Abuse, Period shame, Gender Inequality and Retrogressive and biased cultural norms like FGM and Early or Forced marriages.

We also create awareness on Fundamental Human Rights, actualize self-realization and Confidence among Adolescents.
Educate on issues of Unintended pregnancies, safe abortions, Use of contraceptives, STIs and Sex Abstinence are the surest way to be safe.

Counselling and post trauma therapy is offered, we also tackle issues like body shaming and create a safe space, answer questions and provide correct and reliable on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
AWINO Love Kenya also Advocates for Accessible, Quality and Reliable Health Services and push for policies and their Implementation for a Better Health System.