Gender Equality is an Imperative Human Right.
It ensures that all Persons; Men, Women, Children, and the Transgender Diverse enjoy Equal Opportunities, Rights and previleges, Resource Allocation, Power and Decision-making, and Representation without any form of bias or Discrimination.
This brings about A Peaceful Coexistence, prosperity and achieving Sustainable Development.
Gender Equality can be achieved through Education, Education prepares one for Employment and Opportunities, impacts skills and knowledge, and offers both Genders a chance to explore their full potential.
Education should also promote positive stereotypes and preach Equality and Gender sensitiveness.
Through Our SOMA BAG INTIATIVE, AWINO Love Kenya supports Education by providing School fees, Books, Uniforms and other learning providences to Students.
AWINO Love Kenya SAFE HOUSE also seeks to fight GBV, help Victims get Justice, equip them with essential Life skills and Empower them, these Victims become Ambassadors against GBV and Sexual Violence.
We talk about beautiful coexistence between genders, Respect to other People’s Rights and Choices and also embracing Diversity and Preach Tolerance.
During Our Mentorship Programs, We Educate People on their Fundamental Human Rights, build their confidence on speaking up when their Rights are violated or they are discriminated because of one’s Gender and advice on proper avenues of reporting and seeking Justice.
Women and the Minority Genders are encouraged to go for Leadership roles to form part of the Decision makers, Present issues that directly affect them and push for policies that protect and make their Lives Better.
For Example the 2/3 Gender Rule in Kenya.
There’s also a Great need to Reject Chauvinist, Demeaning and Discriminatory practices and attitudes like FGM, Child Marriage and Undermining Girl Education.
“Gender Equality is more than a Goal itself, it’s a precondition for meeting the Challenge of Poverty, promoting sustainable development and building Good Governance.” ~ Koffi Annan.

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