AWINO Love Kenya through its Mentorship Program seeks to mould students into their Envisioned Future through helping them in making informed Decisions about their lives.
Our Facilitators’ Personal and Success stories is all about possibilities and that no matter the background or situation, hardwork and determination will always lead to achieving our Goals.
During our Mentorship, We identify and offer scholarship to underprivileged students on merit and also reward performing students both in Academia and Co-curriculum.

Through Our sessions, we build Confidence and Self-realization in students and challenge them to exploit their potential and maximize on it.
We encourage positive behaviour, i.e Good discipline, cleanliness and general morally upright behaviour.
The Mentorship also urges Parents and Local community to take their Children to school because Education is the greatest tool of Empowerment and Change.

Our Mentorship we encourage a brotherly coexistence between Boys and Girls in Mixed Schools and emphasis to them that they are equal and with equal opportunities in education, Leadership, work and Pay.
Among Our Main Focus is issues around Early Marriages, Teenage Pregnancies, Sexual Abuse, STIs and Drug Abuse. We teach students about their Rights, encourage them to report cases of violation and offer a second chance to Teenage Mothers who are willing to continue with their Education to rebuild their Lives.

We also Advocate for Mental Health and stability among Learners, teachers and the Local community and a Conducive learning environment. We listen to Students’ day to day challenges and work together with teachers and other stakeholders to solve them.
There’s a great need to create a safe space where students can air out their views, launch complains and experiences without Judgement, humiliation, castigation or Fear.

AWINO Love Kenya also pushes for Education reforms and Policies and their Implementation for a Better Education system, A Curriculum that is beneficial and Goal oriented, promotes talent and skills and is all inclusive.
Our Other target Groups for Our Mentorship Programs are Youth Groups and University and College students.